First Workout After Baby Was Born

I had my first workout in the gym today since my little girl was born.  Most doctors or midwives tell you to wait 5-6 weeks before working out again.  Because I had stitches after Phoenix Rae was born I needed to wait the full six weeks post partum to start any kind of workout.  But, I finally got clearance from my midwife to start working out again this week (Phoenix will be six weeks old on Wednesday), I have to say, my first day back in the gym kicked my butt!  Let me first say that I really like working out.  Well….I don’t always like dragging my butt out of bed, getting dressed when I knew I could be cuddling my sweet baby, and driving to the gym when it’s still dark outside.  But, once I am there I usually am really happy I did it.  I like setting goals for myself and achieving them, I like lifting heavy weights and seeing my arms start to tone up, and I like how proud I feel of myself after a good workout.  But, after I have a baby it is always a really big internal struggle to get back in the gym.  I start to play head games with myself, and it seems so easy to get discouraged.  Let me explain.

Some of the feelings of discouragement start before I even get to the gym!  Right now, I still l have about 25 lbs to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I have big babies (Phoenix was just shy of 10 lbs!) and I think to compensate for that my body puts on extra weight during pregnancy to get ready for a big baby.  That’s my theory at least!  🙂  Here are some pictures of my BIG belly at the end of my pregnancy:

40 Weeks Pregnant
41 Weeks Pregnant (Day I went into labor)

So, because I have extra weight on me, a lot of my clothes don’t fit.  I’m exclusively breastfeeding so my boobs are bigger and it makes my shirts tighter.  My belly is soft and a lot bigger than normal and I get nervous about my belly squishing over my pants, and my legs and butt have extra weight on them too which makes my pants tighter.  So, this morning when I got up I almost talked myself out of even leaving the house because I felt uncomfortable in pretty much everything I put on.  Finally, I told myself just to suck it up. I put on my favorite pair of crop sweats, a Boise State tshirt, and threw my hair in a ponytail.  I still didn’t feel totally comfortable though because I felt like if I lifted my arms too high my belly might show, and I promise nobody in the gym wants to see my not-so-cute postpartum belly right now! 🙂 I grabbed one of the belly bands I had from my pregnancy (stretchy piece of material that goes over your stomach and looks like a layered tank under your shirt) and that helped me feel more comfortable.

I walked into the gym and although I was excited to start working out again, I started feeling nervous! I was on the treadmill doing a 5-minute walking warmup and I found myself having negative self-talk.  I kept thinking things like:
“You are so out of shape right now, you aren’t going to be able to do what you used to do in here. “

“Look at the other girls in the gym, they look so good!” (as I uncomfortably pulled my shirt down over my hips).

“Maybe I should just stay on the cardio machine, I don’t really feel comfortable walking through the weight area right now”.

(As I caught a glimpse of my butt in the mirror), “Oh gross, look you can totally tell I have cellulite in these pants….why didn’t I wear other pants?”

It was the beginning of my workout and I already wanted to quit!  I kept wishing that I could just wear a shirt with big bold letters on it saying, “I just had my second baby baby five weeks ago!!  This is baby weight and I normally am in good shape I promise!” I didn’t want people to look at me and think I was out of shape (even though I am).  I was about ready to leave the gym before my workout even started!

But then…..I slowly started to talked myself out of leaving.  I tried to remind myself that I had felt this way before (I remember feeling this exact same way after my last baby was born).  And, I told myself that nothing is going to change until I put in the work.  I can feel uncomfortable and self-conscious now, or I can feel uncomfortable and self-conscious three months from now, but you always have to have a starting point and the sooner I start the sooner I will stop feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious.  I tried to remember how last time I was out of shape also, and the one thing that helped me lose the weight was being consistent with my workouts and nutrition.  Being consistent doesn’t mean leaving when you feel uncomfortable, it means sticking to your plan even if you don’t want to.  Being consistent gives results, and I knew that, and wanted to be consistent.  So, I stayed at the gym and did my workout.

It definitely is hard getting back in the gym after having a baby.  You have a lot of factors working against you:
-You are sleep deprived from getting up every 2-3 hours with the baby.
-You haven’t been working out for a while (depending on how long your postpartum recovery was and how much you worked out in your pregnancy).
-You have extra weight on you, which makes working out harder in general because you are heavier.
-You most likely have lost strength from where you used to be, because you have taken time off from the gym.  This was the case for me!  I kept feeling embarrassed that I couldn’t lift the same weights I used to lift.
-You may feel guilty for leaving your baby at home while you are working out (I tried to remind myself that I nursed the baby right before I left, and my husband could take care of everything else while I was gone for an hour.)
-Etc, Etc, Etc

But, what I finally decided and tried to convince myself of, is that I DO feel better about myself when I am working out.  It builds my confidence, makes me happier, and helps me feel better about myself.  I reminded myself that no one is judging me in the gym.  I almost always do a better job of eating right when I am working out too.  These feelings of insecurity are unfortunately usually a part of the process for me, and that by just ignoring those feelings for a while, and just getting myself back into a routine, it will help to make those insecurities go away.

I wanted to share this experience from my first day back with you guys to let you know that we all struggle with a lot of insecurities at times.  I consider myself a pretty confident person, and I am generally happy with where I am at in the postpartum weight loss process, but that the negative self-talk still gets to me at times too.  For me, the thing that helps the most is to just remind myself that I have felt this way before and that it does get better if I just ignore the impulse to quit and push on.
Have any of you ever felt this way before?  I’d love to hear your thought and see what types of things you do to get past negative self talk.

Your Friend,

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  • Thank you thank you thank you. This is me on a daily basis and I had my last child 4 1/2 years ago. I’m overweight go to the gym feel exactly how you felt this morning I do my “thing” and leave. At lease we know we aren’t alone in our struggles.

  • Awww Jil thank you so much for your feedback! I know the feeling of being self conscious goes away as I continue to go to the gym, but it always seems so hard at first! Glad I’m not the only one who feels that way 🙂

  • This is an amazing blog and I am so glad that you shared a little of your self through venues like facebook. I am recently getting back to the gym myself. Just took my first Spin class after a 7 month hiatus. This blog was exactly what I needed to see to know that any effort at any level is better than no effort at all!

  • LOVE LOVE LOVE that!!! My babies are older but I so remember the feelings that go along with getting back into shape post babies (or even getting back in the gym post injury or vacay). I love that you’re so open and honest!


  • Shannon thank you so much for your feedback!! I am glad someone else feels the same way sometimes too 🙂 Congrats on getting back into it – those spin classes are fun and always kick my butt! xo – Natalie

  • Thanks Andrea!! It’s always kind of scary to post about things insecurities or things that make you vulnerable, but it always helps me to know that others have been there too or feel the same way. Thanks for sharing!! 🙂 Natalie

  • Hey Natalie,
    Thank you for being so honest! My baby girl will be 5 weeks tomorrow (second child) and I had a csection, so I still have one more week before working out. I have been eating strictly Paleo for the past week to get myself ready! It’s nice to know that other women feel exactly like I do! Thanks again and I will continue reading your blog.

  • I am 25 days away from my due date and haven’t been able to work out the last month and a half already so I have already been excited and nervous and scared about my first workout back. It’s good to hear your thoughts and feelings with the experience before I even go through it yet, thank you for sharing! I love reading your posts 🙂

  • Tiffany congratulations on your sweet little girl!! That is so exciting!! I know c-sections can have a longer recovery so make sure to listen to your body as you start working out again. Proud of you for getting back into it! 🙂

  • Thank you so much for your feedback Sarah Jane!! Working out was really tough for me too towards the end of my pregnancy as I got really huge. I mostly just stuck with walking and that exhausted me. I am so excited for you to meet your new little one!! This is such an exciting time for you! 🙂

  • I just had my first baby almost 8 weeks ago. I’ve had a hard time adjusting to this new body. My clothes still don’t fit and since I’m also exclusively breastfeeding my boobs are huge and I feel like they are up to my chin when I wear workout tanks/sport bras. I’m starting wk 3 of Jamie Easons trainer and I have to say your recipes are a lifesaver. I feel more confident because I saw your first before and after photos when you had your son and they are a big encouragement to me. I just have to remind myself not to expect instant results and to know I’m doing this in a way that is healthy for me and baby!

  • Hey Natalie, thank you for being so honest and real about your life. My youngest is 3 years old and I lost almost all of the baby weight, but gained weight after my parents both passed from cancer. I am very insecure and self conscious about going to the gym. I even feel self conscious about running outside! Any suggestions on how to overcome it? I know it is holding me back from so many things in my life! 🙂

  • I just wanted to stop in and say thanks for being so candid about your pregnancy. I’m currently 10 weeks pregnant with my first baby. Before I got pregnant, I was doing Jamie Eason’s Live Fit program and I loved every minute of it. Lately, I’ve had a really hard time convincing myself to go to the gym, and my food aversion have been horrible…needless to say eating clean went right out the window. The fatigue and food aversions are slowly going away so I finally feel like I’m ready to get back in the gym (although I will probably be very uncomfortable because I’m now in the stage where I look like I’ve eaten a few too many hamburgers instead of actually looking pregnant). You’re blog has really helped me to prepare and understand what to expect with my pregnancy in relation to my health and fitness routine and I am so grateful for that. Thanks again and I look forward to following your post baby blog entries!

  • Thanks for sharing! I’m 4 weeks out postpartum.
    I’m glad to know that others face the same struggles I do!
    Please continue to post your progress, it help me to keep my head up!
    Enjoy the new little one!

  • aww, Natalie! Loved this blog post. I haven’t had children yet but it’s great reading your blogs and knowing what to expect one day. Remember that some of us never had children and we once felt that same way looking in the mirror! At least you have a legitimate excuse! I remember when I was starting back in Jan 2012 again thinking omg.. my cellulite — why didn’t I wear my black pants?!! I am proud of you for pushing through. You did it once and you WILL do it again.

  • Wow Natalie! I can SO relate! (except I’m about 3 years postpartum). I recently found my soul-mate workout and i LOVE it, but I am still struggling with the negative self talk. I talk myself out of going sometimes, but I’m trying to change that. It’s crazy to me that I love it so much, and I feel the “loss” when I’m not there, but I am so used to making excuses for why I don’t go that it’s just the routine for me. Sometimes all the support in the world doesn’t help unless you change those things internally. I know my progress has been slowed by this because I’m not always consistent. I have to constantly remind myself why I want and need to go, and how it makes me feel. It’s a work in progress, but I’m getting there. One day at a time.

  • Natalie, ive followed you for a long time.. I haven’t had any kiddos yet but I feel like this all this time. I talk myself out of going to the gym because I am not in the shape I was and I think everyone is going to notice. I hate that I do that. I’ve even gotten to the gym and seen myself in the mirror and thing your butt or arms look massive in what you’re wearing! And I go home. Your post just inspired me to stop worrying and go! I’m not
    Going to get where I was just wishing I could. I have to push myself and stop worrying about anyone else but myself! Thanks Natalie!

  • I had my baby boy 5 weeks ago tomorrow (too) lol and also needed a c section my 6week pp appt is coming p and I’m so excited to start working out again. It’s going to suck having to get back into it in slow motion but I know having a baby is no simple thing for our bodies and on top of it we had major surgeries. Good luck to you and congrats 😉

  • Natalie!!!
    You have an amazing blog! You look great and such an open person. You are an inspiration for me! Just had my first baby almost 7 weeks ago and really really want to get back to the gym. Concerned that lifting weights and HIT cardio will affect the milk supply ( I am exclusively breast feeding). What is your experience? Do you feel there is any connection between amount of milk and excersising?

  • Tiffany that is awesome!! Congrats to you on your sweet little one!! I just keep telling myself it’s not a race, it tooks 9 months for my body to stretch out and carry a baby, it will take a while for it to get back. 🙂 Good luck at your 6 week appt!

  • Rachel your comment made me smile because I feel the exact same way sometimes!!! I’m not sure I am going to do chest exercises for a while because I feel like my boobs are already sore, I’m not sure if I’m ready to make them even more sore! 🙂 I know it is so hard at first (trust me – I’m right there with ya!) but I do know from experience that if you can be consistent, and the nutrition piece is the most important part, you will start to see results. Taking pictures helps too! I remember feeling like I wasn’t seeing any changes until I put pictures side by side and realized I had made a lot of change. You are doing a great job – I am proud of you for getting back into it! 🙂

  • Rhea, I am so sorry to hear about your parents. My Dad was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer a few months ago and I know how stressful it can be on the family. I wish I had a good answer here, there is not much that really helps me except to just get out there and start doing it. Maybe running with a jogging stroller with your 3-year old in it will help? I always feel really uncomfortable at first, but after a week or two I start to feel a lot better. Having some workout clothes that are cute and fit well can help too 🙂 I know you can get out there – I believe in you! 🙂

  • Thank you so much for your comment Shannon! I remember feeling that exact same way in my first trimester. Working out was so hard because I was SO tired and the smell of meat or eggs made me sick. For me it got a lot better in the second and third trimesters. Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I am so excited for you!!

  • Thanks you Amber!! Your comment put a big smile on my face 🙂

  • Hi Stacey!! Thanks for your feedback!! I feel the same way as you sometimes, and so I just keep pushing through like you said, one day at a time. I’m proud of you!! Thanks for taking the time to read my post 🙂

  • Awww Megan my heart just goes out to you because I know exactly how you feel! I have left before too because I don’t feel comfortable around people who are in really good shape. But, when I look back I am always so much more proud of myself for the days I stayed and got my workout in than on the days I decided to leave. You are doing a great job and I am proud of you!! Thanks for following me for so long 🙂 xo – Natalie

  • Hi Anya! Thank you for your sweet comments! This is a really good question and one that I get often. I am hoping to get a blog post up on it soon with more details, but the short answer is that I haven’t ever had an issue with working out effecting my milk supply. I exclusively breastfed my first for 6 months, and then didn’t fully wean him until 20 months. During that time I was working out and even ran a marathon and never really had an issues with supply. For me, I just made sure I was drinking a lot of water every day (around a gallon), and making sure I was getting enough calories. I never go less than 10-12x your body weight and make sure you are getting enough complex carbs (oatmeal, brown rice, ezekial bread, sweet potatoes, etc). I hope that helps and I’ll have more details in the next blog post 🙂

  • I swear I am going to read this EVERYDAY!! It is, by far, the best piece of motivational writing I’ve read!! I say all those things to myself but am not so good at remembering to counteract them with the positive ones. My second baby has just turned one, although I’m “back to normal” I’ve wanted to push myself further for a long time but always make excuses then kick myself for giving up! No more! Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration xxx

  • Natalie, Thankyou so much for your post. I am a personal trainer and my second baby is now 16 mints old. And you know we all struggle with these same issues. I stugfled with my second pregnancy and couldnt work out after the 5 or 6th month, so it took a long while to get back in shape. After 16 months I’m starting to feel “normal” and comfortable, but it takes time and consistency. I love that fact that you are sharing the struggles that you’ve been through. It’s very motivational. Thank you.

  • Thank you for this post. So inspirational to others. I have definitely had the self doubt and the self consciousness after having a baby. It is nice to know that others feel the same way and get past it! 🙂

  • Thank you for posting this. Although I’m sorry you struggle with insecurities in the gym, it’s encouraging to read – especially coming from someone who was very fit pre-baby. I just finished up week 7 of Jamie’s live fit (I’m doing it at home) and I’m not seeing the results I was hoping for (probably due to my eating)… anyway, I slacked off this past weekend and just thought to myself – why bother? I’ve been busting my butt and the results are just not showing… anyway, I regretted my decision this morning when I forced myself to make up the last 2 workouts that I missed… haha. Results WILL come if I’m persistent and consistent. It’s nice to be reminded of that by a fitness figure 🙂 now if only I could get my eating on point 😉

  • Thank you so much, Natalie! Will be waiting for the post about training and breastfeeding!
    Your tips are helpful, I deffinetely noticed the connection between how much i drink and the supply

  • Girl, I know just how you feel! I waited until 9 weeks postpartum (2 weeks ago) to get back to the gym but not I’m SOOOO glad I’m back to working out. I haven’t been lifting weights but I’ve been running which I never really did before (I’m a wimpy exerciser and usually stick to the elliptical). I’m so proud of myself because I’ve been increasing my distance such time and tonight I ran 2.5 miles in 27:30. Big deal for me. Ive been doing planks at home and thats about all i can manage right now. but I feel like I’m on the right track and I bet in 2 weeks you’ll be feeling pretty great too!

  • Natalie, great post! I feel the same way, although I didn’t have a baby recently I am going through very similar experience, I am in nursing school and mommy of 3 kiddos with mommy and wife responsibilities, let me tell you working out was the last thing on my mind and it shows I have put on 10lbs easily, I hate it! I just got back into running recently and was so displeased with myself when I was out of breath after 0.5 miles yep, 0.5 miles and I used to do sprints like crazy. But like you I have decided.. nothing is going to change if I don’t put work into it. So thank you for this post, you will do great 🙂

  • Love love love love the blog post. I didn’t until recently feel comfortable working out in front of others because of how truly negative I was of myself. I weighed a little over 200 last August, and I have really tried 100% to TRY not be so negative about myself. I am now under 150,its truly hard somedays to just get rid of all that negativity ,but I do try to just shake it off get a good workout in. Look forward to see how your weight loss from baby goes. <3 <3

  • Natalie- thank you so much for your words. I had my son almost eleven weeks ago and am struggling with a very negative self image because of the excess weight and loose skin. I also feel guilty taking me workout time because I unfortunately have to return to work on Thursday and don’t want to take any more time away from the kiddos. Thanks for keeping it so real! Your words and advice help a ton!

  • Just like everyone else…I love this post! I had my baby in November 2011 and am still fighting to lose weight. Thanks to you though…I started jamie easons live fit program and love it! I am beginning to feel more comfortable lifting at the gym but I still compare myself to other women and I have to remind myself that I may not be where I would like but quitting will only get me further from my goal. Thank you for being so honest and inspiring!

  • This is a super encouraging post to read! It’s so easy to talk yourself out of what you know will make you feel good once it’s over. As hard as it is to be honest, it’s appreciated! Thanks for sharing this, it helps to know you’re not alone. 🙂

  • I LOVE this post! I can’t totally relate and I actually learned a few encouraging phrases too. 🙂 I have yet to brave the gym but I have gone on walks and jogs around my neighborhood. Speaking of jogging, my first jog was a bit of highs and lows. My first struggle was getting the jogging stroller to work right (lock the front wheel to prevent wobbles) then getting my dog to stay on one side instead of running circles around us. Once I had all that settled I started noticing that I should have worn a more supportive bra and that more than just my boobs were jiggling around. I was out of breath a lot quicker than before and I felt like other walkers were staring (they actually might have been because it was quite the sight) and I almost turned around but started telling myself that I could do it and that I would be disappointed in myself if I gave up so I pushes through it. But I did make it all the way and I was proud of myself, I felt like I actually accomplished something. The second jog was much better (especially with my husband joining us) so I’m glad I pushes through.

  • Hey Natalie,

    thank you for being so honest with yourself and us. Reading your story made me cry a little because you were speaking my mind! I am 19 weeks pregnant now and already feel the way you described above. I know it is only because I am pregnant and I will be able to workout the same way I did before once I have the baby.
    You are a great inspiration and I absolutely love your websites and stories, as well as you tips on food and exercise! Thank you so much!

  • Thank you Natalie for this. I feel like we are kindred sprits. I have big babies (not as big as yours 9lbs and 8.1lbs) and I gained about the same amount of weight that you have with both of your pregnancies. I just had a baby in April and I had a c-section so I had to wait a little longer and take it a little more slowly. It really was hard getting back in the gym and getting into the swing of things but now that I am 2 months in, I feel so much more confident. I almost feel like I have missed a step. You are a great inspiration.

  • Oh. My. Word… LOVE this blog! I felt like I was reading exactly what was going on through my mind when I was 6 weeks PP and getting back to the gym for the first time. I remember trying to do 15 burpees that first day back. I managed to do 10 and felt like dying! Wow, I was so out of shape. But you were right, we all have to start somewhere. I worked out 3 days a week during my whole pregnancy, even did squats trying to have my baby in the gym during the last week (just teasing), and I remember feeling stronger in the gym during that last week being full term! It’s amazing how much it takes a toll on your body… labor, breastfeeding, being sleep deprived… We are all very strong women. I’m pretty sure our men couldn’t handle it! LOL! Your blog is inspiring, motivating, and I appreciate you keeping it real. I’ve got a 2 year old son and my daughter just turned 6 months and I’m in the best shape of my life (with the exception of extra skin on my belly). It’s bloggers like you that keep me going. So thank you!!! Lindsay

  • Hello!

    My names Sophie, I am a marketing, advertising and PR student at Birmingham City University. I am working on an advertisement to promote after-baby workout wear to new moms. I havent been able to find very much out there. I was wondering if any of you would be able to answer a few questions?!? I know its really cheeky, but Im not a mom yet and I cant even imagine what you feel about heading into the gym.

    Kindest regards,


  • Hey Sophie,
    Shoot me an email through the contact link and I can try to help you out.

  • This was perfect timing for you to put this on facebook today. I am 11 weeks postpartum. I have been really lazy with my workouts and I think part of it is the feeling uncomfortable with my body. I never recovered from the pregnancy before last due to getting pregnant 4 months postpartum and I still have 25 more to lose. I saw this after I just completed my first “real” workout. By that I mean, the babies were asleep and I got in more than ten minutes! I feel great and I am glad I did it. You are so right… the sooner you start the sooner you will be back to normal. I needed to hear it from someone else. I took a break after the last baby from training clients (not full time) so I am quite disappointed and ashamed in myself for not making more of an effort. I am lucky the weather has been terrible because no one would want to train with me the way I look now, lol. Anyways,no more negative self talk. I’m done. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us all. It helps to see we are not alone and we have the power to be amazing!

  • Thank you so much Natalie!! I’m due in 5 weeks and have been working out actively throughout but am so nervous for that step back into it after my rest and this sets my mind up for it to succeed! Thank you!!

  • THANK YOU! I am 8 weeks post partum with baby number 2. Everyday I sit here, miserable, hating my post baby body. With my first I gained 50 lbs … I was about 215 lbs on the day I delivered. It took me 1 year to the date to hit my goal weight of 128 lbs on my sons first birthday. One month later we decided we wanted another one. I gained ALOT with my second – weighing 205 lbs on the day of delivery. He was just born on December 2nd, 2013. Both were cesareans. Both long recoveries with the second being worse than the first. I’ve managed to lose approximately 30 of those lbs already but I find myself frustrated, unmotivated at times, exhausted, depressed with my new appearance, insecure and well quite frankly miserable about the way I look. I went back to the gym for 1 week with the exact same feelings as you wrote -and I couldn’t have said it better myself. I need to get back to the gym and started today with a clean grocery list at Whole Foods, writing out my recipes for the week including a LOT of raw food meals. I did my measurements today and they haven’t moved even though the last time I measured myself I was 15 lbs heavier … so was feeling extremely down until I saw this post. I would like to make a suggestion that maybe you can start a new Facebook page as an extension of your profile but more specifically for us post partum women … as quite clearly we are dealing with much more of an issue than just motivation … there’s a lot of emotions that you are dealing with post baby (insecurity etc) and it would be nice to have a “safe place” to express these feelings so we don’t feel so down … just a suggestion??

    Thanks for the post. It was really great to read this!!

  • Just found you last night on Facebook. Thank you thank you thank you for reposting this! Had my 4th 8 weeks ago, and although I was right back to the gym at 3 weeks (all in the name of sanity!) I am still so frustrated for the EXACT same reasons you were, and it feels good to know I’m not the only one. But, I’m gaining my strength back with every workout, already lifting heavier for biceps and shoulders than I was before my pregnancy. Still have 20 pounds of baby weight to go, and I know it will be a long road, but I know I’ll get there–like you said–with consistency. Thank you!!

  • Hey Natalie,

    How much can you tell me about Diastasis Recti and the recovery process from that? I too gained over 60 pounds with my little girl who just turned 3 years old. She was 9 pounds 2 oz. when she was born. I was encouraged by your most recent Facebook video today. I have insecurities with my abdomen (D.R., umbilical hernia and stretchy skin) and it seems more obvious because I’m a small petite person weighing in at 115 pounds.


  • Hi Natalie,
    Thank you so much for writing this! I had my son almost 10 months ago (gaining 40lbs) and I can’t get myself to workout for the life of me. Okay, well I say I’m going to do this or that or start on something that last maybe a week. I didn’t work out much while pregnant either, but prior for some reason I could get going and push myself. Now it’s like I have no drive or motivation or will power and it makes me so sad. Reading your blog, I just wanted to cry because I just can’t find it in me anymore. So badly I want to get up early and excercise or when my husband comes home from work, but the truth is I’m just so tired. Insecure and all. I know it will benefit our entire family but I’m not really sure how to start and keep it up. Any suggestions or encouragement?

    You are so inspiring, I see your post on FB when you literally roll out of bed to keep from waking up the baby. You are amazing!

  • Thank you for writing this! I am just over 6 weeks pp today with baby #3…. I also grow big babies- this one was 10lbs 2 oz :). I have been working out for about a week and if I could write I would have said the exact same thing! While I do at home workouts still I am SO uncomfortable in everything I wear… nothing fits. Going out of the house I am constantly pulling and checking myself. Its an awful feeling. I know my body has done an amazing thing (well 3 amazing things!!) but it is still hard. I was in the best shape of my life after my son was born and since have made fitness a way of life for me so I know I can do it again. But I feel embarrassed at how I look now. You are right though- consistency will pay off! Thank you for being so real!

  • Thank you so much for the wonderful information .This is really important for me .I am searching this kind of information from a long time and finally got it.

  • Thank you so much for the inspiration. ..I tried to make myself go to the gym after my first baby over 8 years ago now…Needless to say I did not commit very well. I felt the same way you did. I have gained over 30 lbs. .I’m now at my heaviest I have been. I am currently pregnant with my second child and this time I actually look forward to being able to work out again. Thank you for being a positive role model and sharing your story which so many of us mom’s can relate to.

  • I appreciate you reposting this. I lost 75 lbs a few years ago and have been able to maintain it. I am now 5 months pregnant and totally freaking out about the post baby body. You make me realize that I am not the only person going through this. Hopefully what once worked before will work again.

  • I felt the exact same way going to the gym for the first time after having my second and third child. With my second pregnancy I had put a lot of extra weight (with peeclampsia) that took a long time to lose. I remember feeling enormous walking into the gym then half hour into my workout some asked me if I was pregnant :/ I politely explained that I had a baby a month ago, but I just wanted to burst into tears. That same day after I had finished my workout I went to pick my kids up from the gym crèche and I overheard two of the other mothers talking about how huge my butt was as I was getting my baby out of the crib. Despite the massive blows to my self esteem I stuck with it and was able to get back to my pre baby weight after each of my pregnancies and am now about to embark on the same post baby weight loss journey after having my fourth child 4 weeks ago.

  • Ha! I cheated. I worked out at home (DVDs/cardio) until I felt like I had some of my strength/energy back. Getting myself to get ready, drive to the gym, and then feel frustrated with how out of practice I was, was a chore. So I skipped the drive and started a DVD before I had time to think about it.

  • I needed to read this today. I spent the nine months carrying my baby boy in and out of the hospital, on oxygen, meds, bed rest and miserable. Last week I got the green light to get back intolife as it has been 6 weeks since my c-section. I took my first steps back into the gym just last night, and walked out of spin class after an exhausting 70 minutes. I felt like I was going to die on that bike with my 220 pound self after not even being able to walk for 9 months, but I made it!! I’m alive!

  • I want to thank you for writing this. I just had my first baby 2.5 months ago, and I was also big near the end of my pregnancy (I gained 43lbs during it). I am now about 10lbs off of my pre-pregnancy weight but I have the squishy stomach still and I have been struggling to get the motivation to work out. I got my first “aww, when are you due?” question the other day and the was very deflating. Reading your post has helped me to know that what I am feeling/struggling with, is normal and I am not alone. I finally went for my first run the other day and it felt great. Now I just have to keep up with that and hopefully feel better about my body. Thanks for words of wisdom, truly helpful!

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