Hey, friends!
Ten years ago I started out in the online world in the fitness space. I started blogging, sharing at-home exercises, and offering easy recipes. This turned into writing eBooks — one of which blew up in a way I could never imagine!
In just a few short months, that eBook made over a million dollars. It took countless nights writing with a toddler on my lap, but in the end, all that hard work paid off!
I read every marketing book I could find, I took courses on business, and researched online marketing with every free minute I had — which, admittedly, wasn’t much as a newly single mom with two kids at home. But my passion quickly shifted from the fitness space to the business space as I saw my business advice impacting person after person. Especially those just like me, who had a dream and wanted to make it happen with a toddler on their lap.
My business became a place to teach others the techniques, lessons, and knowhow I had acquired through my own business journey. I now use my successes (as well as my failures) to help teach others how to find the thing they can offer the world in order to feel strong, fulfilled, and independent.
make an impact
I’ve tried other “start your own business” programs but was paralyzed by overwhelm. Going through Base camp helped me realize that every step is a win. By putting one foot in front of the other I was able to get the basics down.”
What my day looks like: Checking and replying to social media comments and messages. Creating and posting content for Pinterest.
A weird fact about me: I’m a fraternal twin
What my day looks like: Lots of typing! I’m usually writing emails, blog posts, social media captions, and various copy for all of our business needs. Oh and also drinking coffee while running after a toddler.
Three things I could do forever: Read, write, and drink dark beers
What my day looks like: Every day is a little different, and that is what I love about my role. Some days may include Zoom meetings, lots of Slack messages, running meetings, planning launches, making sure team members have what they need, pulling stats, and running numbers. One consistent part of each day is being a Mom taxi and restarting the washer full of clothes from the day before!
Three things I can do forever: Travel the world, be in the great outdoors with my family, and read.
What my day looks like: Answering all of the questions and responding to emails! I handle accounts and billing between two of our main email accounts. You can also find me doing design on the back end for the business as well.
My enneagram number is: Type 1, I have yet to meet another type 1!.
What my day looks like: Coffee, wrangling kids, more coffee, and then getting to work on the various odds and ends and day to day details of the business. No day is alike- there is always something different and new that pops up to take care of and I enjoy the variety of tasks.
My ideal Friday night: I’m envisioning a nice 82 degree evening, meeting friends for an outdoor happy hour- drinks and apps. Then going home and having dinner with the family, taking a walk, and heading to the backyard to watch the kids play. Maybe enjoying a glass of wine and reading a book or magazine and scrolling through social media.
What my day looks like: Getting kids to school and then enjoying a hot cup of coffee while sitting down to work on our learning content and development, business coaching and generally cheering people on from the virtual sidelines. Afternoons are crazy with running kids to sports, coaching teams and taking care of dogs.
My enneagram number is: 2
I want to share my favorites and the things that help me the most with my business and personal life!
free guide!
Working from home when you have children can be really hard.
Here are my favorite ways to get work done as a “mompreneur”.